For almost ten years I have been a partner and creative director at a Spanish multidisciplinary firm specialising in civil engineering, architecture, landscape and urban design. My challenging role as Creative Director was to lead the creative process to produce innovative design solutions in these fields. We developed projects in Spain, Georgia, Saudi Arabia, Colombia and other countries. I enjoyed this work because of the range of scale – from furniture design to large scale projects, and my experience in different design fields enables me to develop creative projects of great variety and need.


One of my favourite urban and landscape design projects developed under my direction was the New Seafront Boulevard, Batumi, Georgia. This project was the beginning of a long and successful collaboration with the Government of Georgia. The city expected the creation of a modern space that would act as a development engine for international tourism on the Black Sea coast. The new seafront boulevard has attracted international hotel chains, concerts, art festivals and events. It has become a really active place. The project was awarded the International Architecture Award 2012 by The Chicago Athenaeum – The European Centre for Architecture.

Exhibitions curated by Juliane Petri that show works and processes under the light of the search to transcend the design commission and the commonly pre-established.The Microexhibitions format emerged in the studio-workshop space located in the historic centre of Valencia. The window with pieces of work in progress proved to be a generator of interaction with passers-by, a curiosity shared by children and adults. Thus the studio window became a container for the communication of thoughts and concepts.y show works and processes in the light of the quest to transcend the design commission and the commonly pre-established.The Microexhibitions format emerged in the studio-workshop space located in the historic centre of Valencia. The window with pieces of work in progress proved to be a generator of interaction with passers-by, a curiosity shared by children and adults. Thus the studio window became a container for the communication of thoughts and concepts.

BOOK OF BOOKS Designing for me means creating languages so that objects speak for themselves. I have always been fascinated by print. And I was lucky, I was born in Leipzig, which is a particularly bookish city. Making books is a very serious thing. A book places the content in an order and a structure, and also its materiality suggests another kind of emotion. This exhibition brings together various objects related to the creation of books and in this case, artist books.

We read books as objects. Its design starts from the editorial scheme, the research of the essential contents to then give a structure to all this information and its different layers of reading.

Various clients

juliane valencia

Paper is truly a refined material. And printed matter a longlasting object.
The ex·libris of C.L. is an automatic stamp which gives to notebooks, books and other objects a personal timeless usefulness. Of course the design has a personal meaning.
The rubber stamps of the red gingkoleave belong to Luis Lucas, an acupunturer. They are part of his corporate identity. Patients may take with them a note for the next apointment, or the ones we are using still a paper-calendar may stamp it there.

2020-22 Various clients

LUIS LUCAS – ESCUELA JU-YING Corporate design. Luis wanted his clinic and school of Chinese medicine to reflect his long experience, with his own strong personality.


ex-libris & notebook signer


“I am wild”, said Julia Roux when we started talking about the design of her new corporate identity. She is a physiotherapist who treats women and men with pelvic floor disorders. Her professional approach is partly inspired by a childhood spent on the island of New Caledonia, where she discovered “the power of unconscious actions over the seemingly indomitable”.

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